Automated selection of models of clothing products for mass production

  • Guseva M.A.

    M. A. Guseva. The Kosygin State University of Russia. Moscow. Russia

  • Andreeva E.G.

    E. G. Andreeva. The Kosygin State University of Russia Moscow. Russia

  • Yu. V. Rogozhina

    Yu. V. Rogozhina. The Kosygin State University of Russia. Moscow. Russia

  • А. I. Chistyakova

    А. I. Chistyakova. The Kosygin State University of Russia. Moscow. Russia


The production of clothing for the domestic and foreign markets is a strategically important task for the state. The cyclical nature of economic crises adversely affects the activities of domestic factories. Russian clothing products have to compete with imported analogues
against the background of falling solvency of the population. According to the results of the study of the current economic situation in the clothing production sector and the organization of the process of selecting new models for launch at domestic firms, the
advantages and disadvantages of the considered stage of the production cycle are revealed. A new structure of the enterprise database is proposed, which accumulates a number of aspects that affect the effectiveness of this process.

Keywords: constructive-technological and compositional analysis, analog models, clothing
configuration, consumer demand.